Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility for Companies

Are you a corporate company looking to reduce your environmental footprint and offset your carbon emissions? 

As a corporate company, you know that environmental responsibility is essential. Green Action can help you reach your organisation’s environmental goals and aid you in creating a greener world whilst combating climate change. 

We can help you reduce your carbon footprint.

We aim to plant 1,000,000 trees every year to help ease the effects of climate change in East Africa. We have sister agencies in this region of the world, and they feel the brunt of climate change.

Your support can help with the costs of running our project, e.g., infrastructure, seeds, labour, and water.

Are you a corporate company looking to reduce your environmental footprint and offset your carbon emissions? As a corporate company, you know that environmental responsibility is important. Green Action International can help you reach your organisation environmental goals and aid you in creating a greener world and combating climate change. We can help you cut your emissions by paying for tree planting project in East Africa.

Our aim is to plant 1,000,000 trees every year to help combat effects of climate change in poorer nations. We have sister agencies in areas of the world that are feeling the brunt of climate change and your support can help with the costs of running our project e.g., infrastructure, seeds, labour, and water.

By participating in our tree planting project, corporate companies and big polluters can play a significant role in reducing global warming. Financially supporting our tree planting projects will help offset emissions from vehicles or factories that would otherwise release pollution into our atmosphere.

We like to think of it as a double-edged sword: you offset your carbon emissions whilst helping developing countries fight climate change. By partnering with our organization, you can take steps to positively impact the environment today and for years to come. 

Trees are an incredible resource; they provide many benefits, such as reducing global warming by absorbing carbon dioxide from CO2 in the atmosphere. However, they also help clean up dirty air by filtering out chemicals like ozone (O3), sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx)

It is easy to see how teaming up with Green Action International can be one step towards creating a better world for future generations and honouring your environmental responsibilities. Taking a stand against climate change is a moral obligation. 

Help us tackle the effects of climate change by financially supporting our tree planting project. 

Kindly get in touch with us at and we will be happy to explain our projects.